Friday, August 19, 2011

the irony of the movie Avatar

i just noticed this-
Avatar is a movie with a very clear, distinct, and cliche (yup) message. its so obvious, any 8 year old kid probably figure it out, but ill explain it anyways just in case anyone forgot or hasn't seen the movie. Avatar is analogous to the way big, technologically advanced corporations and governments abuse those who are lesser than them. it is The dominant, powerful, commercial and uncaring human corporation against the relatively small, noble, environmentally friendly and kind race of humanoid aliens (called the Na'vi.)

i dont have a problem with that message at all. the problem i have is that the message is completely hypocritical of the movie its in. Avatar cost $237 million to make, and it nearly grossed $3 BILLION at the box office (easily  making it the highest grossing film ever). from a certain point of view, Avatar represents the large, emotionless, and powerful corporation that it is clearly against in this film. imagine if all the time and money invested into making this movie had been put into something else, something that actually properly conveyed the message that is being so blatantly put across in this movie, instead of it becoming the very thing it is against?

this is where im gonna say whatever comes to mind, so read it if you want to